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2023 Mayors Cup Rules
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Format and Playoffs:
Each team is guaranteed three games. Depending upon the number of teams in their respective division, the tournament format will vary. Please consult the Utah Avalanche Mayors Cup official tournament schedules posted online at:

Game points:

Win: 3 points

Tie: 1 point

Loss: 0 points

Forfeits: 3 points to beneficiary of forfeit

Tie Breakers:

Ties within a flight or division - winner determined in the following order:

1. Head to head record

2. Goal differential- Maximum 4

3. Fewest goals against – Maximum 4

4. Most goals for – Maximum 4

5. Teams shall take kick from penalty mark


There is no overtime in preliminary round games or consolation games. In playoff games, overtime shall be two 10-minute periods for U13-19 and two 5-minute periods for U9-U12.

Kicks from the penalty mark:

If at the conclusion of the overtime periods play is still tied, the game shall be decided by taking kicks from the penalty mark. In this case, the referees will note the numbers of the players on the field at the end of play, and only those players will be allowed to participate in the shootout. The shootout will commence immediately following the overtime periods.

Guest player policy:

Teams are allowed five guest players.


Any player or coach who is sent off must retire a minimum of 100 yards from the field of play within 60 seconds of being sent off. Any player or coach who is sent off is not permitted to participate in the next scheduled match. The tournament committee reserves the right to review the severity of the offense and may add additional games to the suspension.




Awards will be presented on Monday after the conclusion of the final games at the main headquarters. Awards will be presented to First and Second place teams in all divisions.

Laws of the Game

FIFA LAWS OF THE GAME as published annually by FIFA shall be the Laws that are used. The following are modifications to the Laws of the game that shall apply to the tournament.

Law 1- The Field of Play

The field of play dimensions may be modified for 7v7 or 9v9 games.

Bench and Spectator Areas:

Each team‘s bench area shall be along the same touch line as its respective spectator area and on the opposite touchline from the other team’s bench and spectator area. As you face the field, the team’s bench area shall be to the right of the midfield line extended and the spectator area shall be to the left of the midfield line extended. The home team shall have the first choice of which touchline to use and should designate it at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled match time.

Law 2 -The Ball:

The game ball will be provided by the home team, which is the first team listed for each game.

Law 3 – The Number of Players:

Substitutions a. Subject to the referee’s discretion, teams may make an unlimited number of substitutions during a match. b. Subject to the referee’s discretion, substitutions may be made at the following times: (1) The possessing team may substitute prior to its own throw-in; (2) The non-possessing team may substitute prior to a throw-in by the possessing team if the possessing team is also making a substitution and the non-possessing team’s substitutes are at the halfway line ready to enter the match; (3) Either team may make substitutes at the following times; (a) Prior to a goal kick by either team; (b) After a goal by either team; (c) After an injury to either team when the referee stops play; and Updated August, 2022 14 (d) At halftime; (4) On a caution, only the cautioned player may be substituted. c. Substitutions shall be made in the following manner: (1) The referee must be informed of and acknowledge a proposed substitution; (2) A substitute must be standing at the halfway line prior to the substitution opportunity; (3) A substitute must enter the field of play at the halfway line; (4) The substituted player may exit the field of play anywhere; and (5) A substitute may not enter the field of play until the substituted player has exited the field of play, unless otherwise directed by the referee. d. A player who has been substituted may reenter the match as a substitute

Law 4- Players Equipment:

  1. The team listed first on the official game schedule shall be designated as the home team. The home team shall wear a darker color uniform and the visiting team shall wear a lighter colored uniform. If both teams are wearing similar colored uniforms the home team must change to an alternate uniform.
  2. If a team arrives not wearing colors as defined in Law 4.1. That team shall be required to change to comply with Law 4.1.
  3. All teams must be in matching jerseys, shorts, and socks.

Law 5- The Referee:

Prior to the start of each match, the referee shall:

  1. Collect a copy of the certified team roster of the players and coaches desiring to participate in the game.
  2. Report in writing, on the certified team roster the name of any person on the roster not participating because of suspension.

After the game has ended, the referee shall:

  1. Report in writing the identity and details of the offense of any participant who has been cautioned or sent off, or has committed equivalent misconduct prior to, during or after the completion of the match.
  2. 2. Retain the certified roster documenting any participant who has been sent off or has committed equivalent misconduct and return it to the Referee assignor or the Tournament Director.

Law 6- The Duration of the Match:

Division         Duration        Overtime

U9-U12                2x25                2x5

U13-U14        2x30                2x10

U15-U16        2x35                2x10

U17-U19        2x40                2x10

Law 7- Tournament Red Card Communication Policy:

Immediate communication by the Referee to the Referee assignor following the completion of a game in which a red card was given to a player will occur. If the referee is unable to contact the Referee assignor for any reason, the Field Marshall for that field location will be notified and will notify the Referee assignor or Tournament Director.

Player Red/yellow card disciplinary actions:


All Red cards will be reviewed by the Tournament Committee for disciplinary action. Cumulative yellow cards will reset at the start of the playoff rounds.

Semi-finals/ Finals:

Coach Red card disciplinary actions:

If a coach receives a red card, the coach will immediately sit out at least one game. The Tournament Director and/or Tournament committee will review all red card offenses made by coaches with possible further action.

Law 8- The Start of Play:

A team must have the minimum number of players on the field 5 minutes after the scheduled start time, or the team will forfeit to the team that meets these requirements.

Law 9- Refunds:


No protests or appeals regarding decisions by the referee or Tournament Director will be accepted or considered.


  1. All games at a site may be temporarily suspended or canceled for any of the following reasons: Rain, lightning, excessively high winds, low air temperature, or when the fields are unplayable due to one of the aforementioned reasons.
  2. The Tournament Committee, Site Director, Tournament Director or Referee is responsible for suspension and cancelation of games due to inclement weather.
  3. Suspension of games- Suspension of play will be signaled by the blowing on an air horn in one long sustained blast. If the games are suspended, all participants and spectators must go to their vehicles or other permanent structure. The restart of the play will be announced by several short blasts of the horn. Play will restart with a dropped ball at the place where the ball was when play was suspended, unless the ball was out of play, play shall restart with the appropriate restart.
  4. Cancellation of games- prior to the start of the games, or if the games have already been suspended, the Tournament Committee or Tournament Director may decide if games will be rescheduled or decided by a shootout.
  5. If a suspended game can not restart, the following will apply:
  1. 1st half was completed, score at HT will be entered as final result
  2. 1st half was completed, suspension occurred during 2nd half of play, score at HT will be entered as final
  3. 1st half was not completed, Tournament Director will determine if game is to be rescheduled or decided by PK’s

If the decision is to end a game:

  1. In a pool play the current score at the time of the stoppage shall be final (unless game is ended due to weather, refer to Inclement Weather Rule 5)
  2. In all playoff games the score at the stoppage shall be final. If the score was tied at the time of stoppage, the two teams will proceed to taking kicks from the Penalty Mark to determine a winner at a time and place dictated by the Tournament Director.
  3. Information on postponement and rescheduling will be published on the Utah Avalanche Mayor’s Cup website It is each team’s responsibility to check these sources prior to travel to games to check for game time changes.
  4. Rescheduling Policy- Tournament Director will make decisions on how to reschedule games and reserve the right to alter the tournament format to do so. Rescheduled games will be published as soon as possible on our website. All games, times and places are subject to change in the event of inclement weather.


Last Updated 8/23/2023